.. C2D2 documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Feb 26 02:56:53 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. C2D2 ==== `Source Code`_ Builtin Commands ---------------- :ban: A cheeky fake ban command. Usable by owners, mods, and subs. :streamer: Fetch the bio, channel age, previously streamed game, and channel link of a given streamer. Results in three chat lines from the bot. Usable by owners, mods, and subs. :status: Fetch the current game, resolution, framerate, and viewer count of a given stream. Usable by owners, mods, and subs. :potatoes: Writes ``Potatoes Potatoes Potatoes <3`` to chat. :botlove: Writes ``!hug Nightbot`` to chat. :about: Writes ``I am C2D2, an experimental bot. I have a select few commands available and I expand shortened links. My source code is at https://github.com/C222/C2D2 . If I break, complain to C222_. Channel owners can make me leave with '~part'`` to chat. :part: Forces the bot to leave a stream. Usable by owners. Safety ------ The bot can detect shortened and redirect links and finds what the point to. As of now it writes the following in chat: ``[Shortened link to www(.)example(.)com detected MrDestructoid ]`` Logging ------- When enabled, all chat from all joined channels is logged into an Apache Cassandra database. A `schema`_ and a `log viewer`_ Flask applet is provided. Versitiliy ---------- It's easy to add new commands to the command list. [1]_ Scalable -------- You can easily install it and run it from multiple servers using the `installation script`_. API === .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 wsirc message config credentials handlers hooks cassandra_connection Indices and Tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _Source Code: https://github.com/C222/C2D2 .. _installation script: https://github.com/C222/C2D2/blob/master/utils/get-c2d2.sh .. _schema: https://github.com/C222/C2D2/blob/master/utils/cassandra-schema.sql .. _log viewer: https://github.com/C222/C2D2/blob/master/src/logviewer.py .. [1] If you know Python or are willing to learn.